Literal and Energetic Garbage


Letting Go: Literal & Energetic Garbage

Am I weird or do you also feel a mix of emotions on garbage day?

Besides the obvious horror about producing so much waste, I literally give a sigh of relief when the recycling and rubbish bins are empty. I always renew my vow to create less waste—some weeks I’m more successful than others.

If only we could rid ourselves of energetic “garbage” as easily—or can we?

What is Energetic “Garbage”?

  • Unconscious beliefs that block our creativity and happiness

  • Emotions that we ignore or hide so we don’t have to deal with them

  • Unhelpful thoughts that drive us crazy as they spin around in our heads

  • Traumatic experiences that we have not processed


Even when we truly want to release our “stuff,” we may still resist:

  • What if I am not finished working on the problem and let it go too soon?

  • What if I need it to remind me of the lessons learned so I don’t repeat the same mistakes?

  • What if I don’t do it the right way, and I’m stuck with it?

Often energetic “garbage” can feel familiar and comforting because it’s known. It’s helpful to think of it as literal “garbage.” When we actively release, even determinedly throw out! emotional garbage, we can start to heal. It’s also how we create room for something new.

Imagine times you’ve been camping out in the forest or even during this quarantine when you haven’t bothered to get out of your sweats for days. That first shower and shampoo is absolutely luxurious! And let’s be honest - sometimes it feels euphoric to completely empty our bowels. It’s the cleansing, the clearing of stale, old dirt and waste that is rejuvenating.

Clearing our energetic bodies is equally revitalizing!

Tripped Up

When I am reading someone and I see the symbol for nuclear energy in their aura, I know their “garbage” is going around and around, gaining pressure, but not being released.

Even though this garbage is obviously negative – nuclear even – we can get tripped up in releasing our energetic garbage when:

  • We think we can think away our energetic trash. But just like our physical garbage doesn’t get to the dump by wishful thinking, we don’t release our energetic garbage through thought analysis.

  • We don’t realize we have something that needs clearing—like how I didn’t know I had “anger issues” until too late. You can’t change something if you aren’t aware it exists.

  • We subconsciously fear that if we change we’ll make others uncomfortable and possibly lose relationships.

  • We are afraid of change; afraid to change.


Releasing is Refreshing!

It feels so good when the trash is taken away! We feel exuberant when we release energy that is either tripping us up or has long gone stale. So how can we get excited about doing our inner work, our inner housekeeping?

Mindfulness is Just the First Step

You often hear me say, Mindfulness is a Great First Step, It’s What You DO with Your Awareness, That’s Ascended Presence!

Mindfulness would be the equivalent of finding the energetic trash and putting it into the bin under the kitchen sink. Active meditation techniques, such as grounding, are how we bring the bags to the curb—good riddance!

Just as we want to create less physical waste by buying and consuming less, paying attention to and processing our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in real-time keeps our energy clear and in motion so it won’t stagnate and build up again.

Why Does it Matter?

When our energy is clear and in motion, it’s:

  • accessible to us to use for whatever it is we intentionally want to create in our lives

  • how we tune into our intuition which helps us make better decisions in the first place

  • how we create the space to create something new

When we clear clutter—physically or energetically—we actually create abundance. We’re not losing anything, but gaining—clarity, insight, relief, calm, joy, and so much more. This is why I love teaching grounding techniques and how to use them to enhance our life satisfaction!

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