Dream Interpretation


Our Dreams Deliver Messages

OK, I know you are rolling your eyes and considering skipping this journal entry. Other people’s dreams are so discombobulated and irrelevant to us—usually a “had-to-be-there” kind of thing.

I’m going to share anyway because it is a perfect example of the value of tuning into, listening to, and acting upon the messages from our dreams. My hope is it will help you interpret your own dreams and to glean their guidance.

The Goal Dream

One night last fall, I had a vivid dream where I was playing soccer (football for you Europeans). I was scrambling around the field chasing after the ball, getting red in the face, hot, and sweaty. At the very last minute of the game, I finally got my chance to get my foot on the ball. I kicked as hard as I could and made solid contact, which felt great!

Somehow, as dreams are wont to do, although I’d kicked forward, the ball went backward into the goal. I heard loud cheering and was so excited thinking I had done something fantastic, finally making that elusive goal, woohoo! I was smiling ear to ear as I celebrated!!

However, I soon realized the ball had gone into the opponent’s goal - giving them the win!

The message I literally heard in my right ear during the dream was, it's the wrong goal, it's the wrong goal, it's the wrong goal—not in a criticizing way, purely informative.

At the surface level, it might seem like it was just a random dream about soccer.  One layer deeper, we might extrapolate I was afraid of doing something wrong, making a mistake.

But this was a vivid dream, and I’ve learned those are usually the ones trying to give me a more meaningful message.

In my morning meditation, I asked, what is this dream trying to tell me? (Dream interpretation is really simple, it’s not rocket science.)

 The message kept repeating itself: it's the wrong goal, it’s the wrong goal….

OK? What’s the wrong goal? Answer: you are chasing the wrong goal

The First Wrong Goal

Several months prior, I had already come to the realization that my passion project, One Green Smoothie, was causing me more harm than good. I’d spent the previous several years, scrambling around, just like that soccer player getting all hot and sweaty, trying to convince people that the climate crisis is worth our all-encompassing attention and immediate action—to no avail. My red face in this dream represented the anger I’d felt by the lack of concern and willingness to change by most people.

At that time, I did a lot of meditating and grounding to release the anxiety I felt about our climate crisis.* Doing so freed up my energy and desire to refocus my attention on my psychic readings, intuitive coaching, and energy management courses.

I decided to turn my side-hustle into a “real” business. I assumed that meant I should do businessy-type things. Let’s just say I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to learn website copy, social media strategies, marketing, and other tech “stuff.” 

I had changed my focus but was still stressed

My New Wrong Goals

  • Trying to please Mark Zuckerberg so my social media posts would be seen

  • Trying to write blog posts that would please Google rankings

  • Trying to learn how to dance while pointing to words on the latest platform

  • Trying to convince people about the importance of going within—Wait! What!?!? I thought that’s what I am supposed to do!

Dream Interpretation

It’s kind of meta doing dream analysis, but I saw my unconscious, faulty assumption that to have a “legitimate” business I needed to do things I do not enjoy.

As I continued to meditate and look deeper into the dream’s message, I saw that what I truly wanted was to support people who were already interested in their personal evolution. Who am I to try to convince anyone that inner work is richly rewarding and worthwhile!?!

I realized that my Right Goals were to pursue what lights me up and brings me immense joy.

My Right Goals

  • Supporting your Spiritual self-discovery

  • Providing intuitive insight into your challenges and helping you “see” solutions previously out of cognitive range

  • Helping you have sovereignty over your thoughts, beliefs, and subsequently, behaviors

  • Demystifying the metaphysical world and teaching how using energetic tools enhances our everyday lives

  • Learning right alongside you and working in an integrated ecosystem of growth—we are all students, and we are all teachers

Interpreting the “goal” dream’s message helped me prioritize my time and energy. It told me loud and clear—stop chasing the wrong goals.

I was running after all these things I thought were necessary to be perceived as “legitimate” or “professional” and using them as a convenient distraction from my fear of creating what I actually wanted to offer: something that fulfills each of my “right goals” —the Ascended Presence Practicum.

It was such a relief to get clear on my right goals. I come alive when I study Spirituality, energy management, relationship dynamics, and psychic phenomenon. I am always reading books, taking courses, listening to podcasts, and best of all, implementing these practices myself and with you in real-time for our real lives.

Hearing about your healing experiences—within yourselves and your relationships—tells me I should stick with practicing the work with those of you in the Practicum, connecting on the psychic level with my reading and coaching clients, and sharing my heartfelt stories in the journal. I appreciate each and every one of you no matter how we exchange energy.

Working together with you encompasses my right goals! I’m grateful to this dream for giving me this guidance!

Next time, I will share how this same dream was also part of the reason I aged 20 years in two months, and how that experience gave me my primary word for 2021!

*I still care deeply about our climate crisis and continue to work to bring light to its critical importance. The difference is that I’m no longer making myself angry and depressed in the process. In a previous post, I promised to write about this, and I will, I promise!

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