Guided Earth Healing Meditation

I channeled this meditation on the last day hiking the Inca Trail up to Machu Picchu in Peru's glorious Andes Mountains. The best way to experience it is to put in headphones and sit or lie down in a comfortable position as you listen, although I love the video my daughter made, too.

While the world's attention is on the current pandemic, this week marks the 50th Anniversary of the very first Earth Day—birthed after a massive oil spill right here in Santa Barbara. 

I wanted to honor this extra special Earth Day with something we can do collectively, even as we are sequestered. Below, you will find a free Guided Earth Healing Meditation that I created to provide some stress relief for us, and promote positive change for our planet, too!
What we focus on grows. Let’s use this Earth Healing Meditation to replace the devastating climate images that have been seared into our minds and concentrate instead on what we want (and need) to expand – our Earth’s renewal, growth, and healing!
This vision and these words came to me while in the Andes Mountains, pre-dawn, on the last of an exhilarating 4-day hike along the Inca Trail to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu. The grandeur of Earth’s nature there exudes an abundance of flora and fauna, beauty, and strength that is beyond our imagination.
The best way to experience this guided meditation is seated or lying in a comfortable position, with your eyes closed and wearing headphones. However, it would also be special to gather your family around and do the meditation together. For those with little ones who need visuals to capture their attention, my daughter, Linnea, produced a stunning video to accompany the audio.
I hope you will feel relaxed, renewed, and inspired after your first listen. If so, perhaps consider giving yourself time to return to this meditation as a ritual—an offering for both you and our Earth.
Please forward this to your own friends and family; our collective focus and shift in consciousness is how we will create a better world for us all.
Thank you for caring. Thank you for listening. Thank you for sharing.
Enjoy it here: Guided Earth Healing Meditation

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