High Energy Days!


Happy Birthday, Ascended Presence! 🎊

I say Happy Birthday because launching Ascended Presence last year truly felt like a birth. It took months of preparation and even a huge amount of work and tech support from my husband, ha ha:)!

Last year's "birth day" felt extra special because Ascended Presence finally came to life just in time for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day—originally started right here in Santa Barbara, California.

While I had been doing this work for almost 20 years before launching Ascended Presence, it had been low-key since I was busy raising three kids and moving all over the place.

Leading up to the launch, I back-published some older content, but my first official Ascended Presence post was sharing a guided Earth Day meditation channeled through me while hiking an ancient Inca trail in Peru.

What Does Channeling Look Like?

It's different for everyone, but for me, it felt like the entire meditation flowed into my head from above—through my 7th chakra at the crown. Being immersed in the jungle's abundance and in a meditative state from methodic walking made it easier for me to download this transmission.

We receive messages like this all the time. The key, of course, is if we are present enough to notice them! Do you know the way you “channel” guidance? If you pay attention, you’ll start to learn your own way of intuiting.

New is Not Necessarily Better

While we have a bias toward the "newest" of everything, I'm sharing this meditation again since it is as relevant today as it was a year ago, perhaps even more so. Our climate crisis is in need of urgent attention as ever.

So grab your earphones or gather the family around and enjoy a few minutes on your inner screen as you close your eyes and follow along.

If you have little children, allow them to be mesmerized by the video my daughter made so you can tune into yourself.

High Day Energy

Energy feels more potent on birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, new moons, etc. - I call these "high" days. In fact, I love doing psychic readings for people on or around their "high" days - the energy is palpable!

I encourage you to tune into your energy on your own High Days and focus it toward your desired creations:)!

So, in celebration of Earth Day (and AP's birthday), I'm hosting a special Cacao Ceremony. If you find yourself on the Central Coast, please join us!

Happy Earth Day! Happy Birthday!

Ascended Presence offers grounding and energy management courses to help you find and maintain a sense of inner peace and well-being.