A Difficult Conversation. An Ugly Truth!

We have to be able to have grounded, mature, productive conversations.Rich Roll The Rich Roll Podcast #528

We have to be able to have grounded, mature, productive conversations.

Rich Roll
The Rich Roll Podcast #528

It was tense. We both thought we were right. My friend wanted me to do something with which I didn’t completely agree. I could totally see where she was coming from and empathized with her situation. I also knew my own truth.

After our uncomfortable conversation, I wished I could go back for a redo. I wanted to be sure I hadn’t offended her, and also to explain my position more thoroughly—if I’m honest, probably to make her agree with me.

You may be wondering: what on Earth is Susan talking about?! Is this about Veganism? Racism? Feminism? Carnism? Religion? Politics? Parenting?

It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you’ve had conversations about each of these issues with friends or family who don’t agree with you.
Thoughts tossed spun about my mind like clothes on spin cycle.

She's blinded by her own personal experience!
Am I blinded by my own personal experience?
Doesn't she see the bigger picture?
Ugh, why did I speak up in the first place?!?
Did I offend her? I think I offended her. She looked hurt...
And on and on and on...

Our conversation had happened in the evening. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t do something immediately to address my thoughts now on tumble dry.
So, I grounded. Some of what I released:
My desire to be right
Doubt--maybe she’s right?
Fear of appearing ignorant or insensitive or tone-deaf
Other people’s expectations
Fear of hurting someone’s feelings
My need to be liked
And on and on and on…
I had released enough energy to see an ugly truth:
I do the same thing to a different friend of mine!

Different topic, same smothering energy.
Wait! What!?!?! Why did this second friend pop into my consciousness?!
Here I was, clearing the energy from Friend #1 when I saw that I do this very same thing to a completely unrelated friend; we’ll call her Friend #2. Ouch!!
Luckily for me, Friend #2 has done lots of inner work and extends me nothing but grace and forgiveness when I try to invade her energetic space. Friend #2 offered both a truth mirror and a solution!
Yep. That’s the way it works. Processing energy quiets our minds. It’s easier to “see” through a clear mind than a cluttered one. This allows us to find what we're looking for: root causes, solutions, healing.
Now I had two friend situations to process before I would have any chance of sleep. My old self would have been up all night playing thought-tennis—volleying imaginary conversations back and forth like little green balls.
Instead, I used a technique from my Grounding Course called “reclaiming energy.” I essentially pulled all my energy off Friend #2 and put it back into my own energetic field. This cleared enough space that I could easily see the solution to my conflict with Friend #1.
Rather than resist Friend #1 and her expectations of how I should spend my time and energy, I could extend her the same generosity to think and act in a way she feels best. That’s what Friend #2 does for me.
And…I could extend that same graciousness to myself to think and act in a way that I feel is best for me--guilt free.
Both And.
What do you do when someone disagrees with you, and/or tries to change your views? Do you impulsively react? Do you avoid the conversation in the first place and pretend to agree just to keep the peace, or because it’s not worth the effort? Do you resist the person and/or their energy?
Or, do you respond with neutrality and positive intention?
My mission is to bring energy work down from the ether and into everyday life. Mindfulness is a great first step. What you DO with your awareness, that’s Ascended Presence!

For powerful changes in your life, learn how to improve your intuition, ground your energy and meditate. Contact Ascended Presence for online psychic reading, intuitive life coaching, active meditation and grounding and energy management course today.

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