A Good Day. To Meditate!


Resources—let’s not just survive, but thrive this Election Day in the USA

Understandably, many people are unnerved by the election in the United States today. Our Ascended Presence community can help by using all the energetic techniques and skills we have.

For example, we can connect energetically to our Earth to help calm our own nerves as well as the collective. We can release our fears, future tripping, and fantasies down our grounding to her center. Our Earth is strong and powerful and can absorb and transmute our worries. We can make energetic separations with those drumming up drama and even separate our energy from the outcome.

Commit to using every resource you have available to keep your energy high and in motion. Resist the temptation to get sucked into the media’s fear-mongering. Remember that you are powerful. Use your power to vote, not only with your ballot and dollars, but with your time, thoughts, and energy. Are you spreading love and compassion or fear and division?

Family Friendly Guided Meditation

Take 15 minutes to tune within, set your intention, and do my FREE Guided Earth Healing Activation. Or you could gather the family around and do it together. You can all agree on the same intention or each person write their own, put it in a bowl on the table, and then do the meditation together. Afterward, safely burn each intention in a candle to release it into the Universe.

Below are some additional resources to help us keep our energy high:

Timely Article

Our children are watching our reaction to the election news. We can’t tell them to be open hearted and inclusive if we are disparaging others. I Love this message by the new Superintendent of Schools for Santa Barbara.


(If you open these links from your phone, you should be directed to your podcast reader automatically.)

It warms my heart hearing how much you LOVED the Where Is My Mind? series I sent a couple of weeks ago! If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, just be sure and start with episode one and work your way through the eight. They are short and enjoyable so it will be easy.

Another podcast I think you’ll enjoy.

Under The Skin with Russell Brand episode #152 Activism & Spiritualism with Satish Kumar, an advanced elder sharing his wisdom about how we can create change and revolution now. He also articulates why the Social Justice Movement needs to be rooted in Environmental Justice in order for it to be holistic and powerful.


Into the Magic Shop, by James Doty has been around awhile, but it’s a good one to revisit, especially if you are worried about how the stress of the pandemic is affecting our children. It will also serve as some serious inspiration for your meditation practice!


I can’t decide which is better so I’m going to recommend both! My Octopus Teacher and the new David Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet,  are two new documentaries that I highly recommend. They will help keep things in perspective.

Video Clip

Long time readers may remember Tony Robbins’ emotional flood technique, but I still love it and think you will, too! This is another good one to do with the whole family.

On the flip side, if you come across something you think our community would like, please share! In the meantime, stay better than sane today! You got this!

However, if you are feeling overwhelmed and would like some energetic support, feel free to reach out or book a session. I’m here for you!

Susan MoeComment