Ascended Presence

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The Universe Speaks: Part Three

Communicating with the Universe

I didn’t realize this was becoming a series but receiving messages from our Universe is one of my favorite things to experience and talk about so here we are again.

This is the third post in three-part series:
Part One - The Universe Supports Us If We Learn to Listen
Part Two - Is the Universe Speaking to Me Through Rich Roll?

The Universe Has a Sense of Humor

As you know, I recently posted about how I am bailing on trying to please the algorithms of social media. Before publishing that Journal entry, I was in meditation and said to the Universe (or God or Gaia or Gloria—whatever you want to call the energy that is beating your heart and growing the grass), “I’m not playing the social media game so I trust You to bring me the people I am meant to support.” (Keyword: Trust).

Can you guess what happened!??

Shortly after it went live, someone new, out of the blue, booked a reading. We had such a powerful session, and I was grateful to have connected with her at that deep level. When it was finished, I asked her how she had heard of my work.

Can you guess what she answered!?!?

Since my clients come from personal referrals, you can imagine my shock when she said, Instagram!

OMGOSH, seriously?!?! Not only had the Universe effortlessly brought me an awesome new client, she did so through social media!

It was as if the Universe were saying, You’re right, Susan, you don’t need to be active on social media. I will still support you!

My heart filled with joy, and I burst out laughing at this sweet wink from our Higher Source.

The Universe is Not Always Humorous

Later in the week, a friend of mine called me out on something. In the moment, I was stunned—it felt like she’d poured cold water in my face.

I knew instantly she was right and was truly grateful for her courage to be so frank. My meditation teacher always said, communication equals love. That’s how I felt—loved and trusted by my friend who cared enough to set me straight.

This is good for all of us to remember when we’re hesitant to tell someone something we think they won’t want to hear. They may actually feel more respected and loved when we put their needs above our desire to be liked or perceived as a good—fill in the blank: parent, daughter, teacher, student, boss, brother, child, friend, neighbor….

After our conversation, I felt various emotions welling up. As much as I had a gazillion things to do, I just sat with these uncomfortable feelings—I grounded, processed, released. Over the next couple of days, I heard two messages loud and clear about “communication.”

Two Messages

The first was Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande. I’d been listening to this book and planned to recommend it at some point, but I happened to listen later that day to the last chapters in which he discusses how to communicate with people in the process of dying, even if they don’t acknowledge that reality. We can all learn how to communicate at a deeper level from the descriptions and examples he shares, not just when a loved one is facing death. 

The second was this delightful conversation between Rich Roll and Karamo (video or podcast). Karamo talks about how he developed his ability to communicate with all kinds of people, even those who actively judge and dislike him. One of my favorite parts was when Karamo encourages us to tell well-meaning loved ones, “don’t rush my healing,” when we’re experiencing grief or hardship. This is so insightful because it’s through active healing where we grow, not after the fact.

In both cases, I felt the Universe saying to me, It’s going to be OK. You’re fine. This is life. We heal and grow from these experiences when we take the time to tune within, listen, and learn. This is why you do this work, girlie.

All Communication Welcome

We can appreciate all communication from our Higher Source—humorous, supportive, and even the straight-talk. It’s reassuring when we receive these messages no matter how they arrive—from a friend, podcast, book, or deep meditation.

Do you have these conversations, too? I sure hope so!

Susan Moe of Ascended Presence is a clairvoyant reader and life coach who has been practicing for over 20 years. She provides readings for people all over the world, and she has helped them achieve clarity and peace of mind, as well as make major life changes that have improved their quality of life.

See this gallery in the original post