Ascended Presence

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The Rewards of Letting Go!

Experimenting with Traditions Can Be Tricky

This is not the post I planned to share today, but what happened during my family’s Secret Santa and Honoring for Christmas gave me some profound insights that I thought you would appreciate as well.

To be honest, I had been feeling a little anxious about the experiment because I was subconsciously future tripping about what could go wrong. Yes, I’d received these ideas during my meditation, but following intuitive guidance doesn’t mean things are easy or stress-free. I didn’t know how things would play out in real life and the uncertainty caused some concern.

Since I wanted to be present and actually enjoy the holiday with my family, I knew I had to use my energetic tools to recalibrate. Otherwise, my unconscious thoughts would continue regurgitating round and round my head, never allowing me a moment of peace.

Do you find yourself subtly worrying about all that can go wrong as your default or is that just me?

Release Fear Through Grounding

As usual, grounding served its purpose. I used my energetic connection to our Earth as a way to rid my body and brain of those low-grade, but incessant worries.

I acknowledged and released these fears:

  • the kids would feel disappointed once reality set in about receiving just one gift

  • my family might not agree to future experiments if this one failed

  • I needed to manage the details so that everyone felt celebrated equally

  • I was being a lame mom by not decorating the house, getting all hyped up, and creating a “special” experience for everyone

Besides being a fantastic tool to release fears, actively grounding also helps us come back to the present moment which is calming for our bodies.

Mission accomplished! After grounding, I felt more relaxed and in acceptance of whatever would transpire.

How Good Could it Be, though?

What I failed to take into consideration, however, was that the experiment could go far better than I ever could have imagined!

In hindsight, the Secret Santa ended up being a side note while the Honoring was what truly stood out. I hadn’t realized what it would “feel” like to receive an honoring, nor to witness the other members of my family both honor and be honored. I was moved to tears receiving mine and was smiling ear to ear, heart-bursting while witnessing the others.

Each of the kids stepped up and did a powerful honoring—much more creative and meaningful than anything I could have orchestrated. Even my husband went to our local metaphysical store and bought special crystals to present as part of his honoring for one of our sons.

Lessons Learned

This was yet another experience that taught me when I take my vice-grip off the steering wheel—aka, stop trying to control things and/or take responsibility for others’ experiences—something far greater and more magical can, and probably will, happen.

Now, I’m inspired to find other areas in my life where I can let go and see what the Universe and other people will create without me micro-managing all the details!!

When you read my 17-year-old son’s honoring of me, you’ll see that I could never, ever have predicted such depth and thoughtfulness. How sad that I unconsciously held low expectations for my family. Control is a low vibration; I see that clearly now.

Suffice it to say, we all agreed that Honoring is a new tradition for our family going forward. Perhaps, you will give it a try, too!

P.S. If you would like to learn about and practice using your grounding in real-time and real-life, join us in the Practicuma monthly, guided meditation experience to develop intuitive and mindfulness skills.

My son gave me permission to reprint his honoring of me here:

Honoring Mom (by Mattias)

Chakras are the circular vortexes of energy that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column. These chakras are responsible for distributing the life energy, which is also known as Chi or Prana.

The Sahasrara is a lotus flower with hundreds of different kinds of colors. Since without the first, there cannot be a second, then this has to be the most important one.

Since this is the most important one it connects with you since you are one of the most important people in the family and with your friends. You are always trying to make this family be more productive and that is very helpful even though we do not like it sometimes. With the Sahasrara there are many qualities but since time is short let's move on to the following.

Svadhishthana is the second most important chakra. It is said that this chakra is blocking the fear of death and great fears. You have shown that you have unlocked this chakra and by doing so you have lots of creativity and manifest good energy in your life. We all can agree that you are very spiritual and you can conjure anything if you put your mind to it. Since you are so creative I got you a big journal to write and draw your ideas down so you can remember them and make them happen. Each Chakra you open is a way to express your love and affection towards everyone you encounter. The next chakra is very important too.

Manipura is a way to have great health. You are one of the most healthy people I know and it is wonderful and sometimes stressful, but mostly good that you are wanting us to be more mindful of what we eat. Joakim and dad and I are so very grateful for you making your delicious green smoothies every morning and cannot ask for anything more. I do not have a gift for this but thank you for always looking out for us with our health and wellbeing.

Anahata is the heart chakra. You are so loving and a mother loves her children to the sun and back and we children are so thankful to be your children. You always try to make everyone happy no matter the circumstances. You are always willing to help in any way just to make us happy.

Vishuddha is communication. You are very good at communicating with everyone you meet and it's always a joy when someone meets you. All your friends and family love being around you since you always have something to bring to the table. Since dad is not a good speaker you help him communicate correctly to his peers and the same goes for Joakim and Linnea and me.

Ajna is for command. You are really the head of the family and you create many opportunities that make lots of fun. When we travel you always have a plan and that is what a great leader is for. A leader helps even the weakest follower and helps them to be their best. You have food ready for us when we come home from a long day of work and you always put love into your food and smoothies and it makes it so much better.

Muladhara is another lotus with 4 petals with colors of red and pink. It is the root chakra that symbolizes the sturdiness of our family. You are the anchor of our family and always strive to make it the best and most fun times. Each trip that we have gone on has been a blast and each time you and dad have planned very carefully.

Thank you for always being there for us and everyone that has been in your life is very grateful for being in your presence.

See this gallery in the original post