Ascended Presence

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Teens Are Spirit, Too!

Teens Are Busy, but Also Spiritual

Teens are busy. They are navigating the demands of school, sports, extra-curricular activities, friends, family, jobs...

It's easy to forget in the rush of life, but we need to remember that teens are not just students or athletes or future adults, they are, and always will be, eternal souls.

Easier to Focus on the Physical

The end of the school year can exacerbate attention on our teen's physical reality as we pummel them with questions:

  • what are you doing this summer?

  • what school are you going to go to?

  • what are you going to study?

  • what do you want to do when you get older?

Easier to Focus on Them

Instead of addressing our own fears, we unintentionally project them onto our teens.

We're future tripping:

  • will they get a good education?

  • will they be able to get a good job?

  • will they be able to support themselves?

  • will they make good friends (aka good influences)?

  • will they be safe?

and on and on and on...

Teens Are Not Stupid

Teens are smart! While they may show indifference, they pick up emotions like antennae to radio waves. They will react to this external stimulus—unless we teach them how to release other people's energy, judgments, and expectations.

Tremendous Change

Teens go through so much change in a condensed period of time—their bodies, friendships, and emotions ebb and flow.

Tween Changes

Younger teens are changing schools— moving to junior high or high school. Even though it's usually within the same town, their all-important friend circles inevitably shift and it can be hard to navigate their place. They may be equipped with math and science, but have they been taught how to handle the stress that change naturally creates?

Older Teens Face More Challenges

It's even more challenging for older teens. Break-ups cause havoc. Friendships morph. Adulthood looms. Family relationships may be strained as teens try to assert more independence while they are still constrained financially, emotionally.

The comparison trap during spring is brutal as proud parents share online university acceptance videos or pictures of their smiling student invariably donning a sweatshirt emblazoned with their university logo.

But even kids headed to big-name, "impressive" schools may be feeling some imposter syndrome; wondering if they can keep up, live on their own, find their way in a new city.

Teens going to less well-known schools, those staying local, or who are on the non-college path may be experiencing disappointment or feelings of less-than.

Comfort zones are crumbling for all of them.

Spiritual Support is Critical for Teens

During this transitional time, we forget that the teens in our lives are actually spirit. To help you put this into perspective, think back to when your teen was a baby, then a toddler, then a grade-schooler. Their body keeps growing and changing, but they are still the same soul.

Some teens I work with are more evolved souls than even their parents! Perhaps their Mother-Child Soul Contract was for the child to help heal their family's generational trauma.

If we only focus on our child’s age or grade, we will miss the lessons their soul is trying to impart upon us.

If we focus solely on the physical body of our teen, we reinforce the matrix—that education, wealth, success, the "right" way of thinking, doing, believing, behaving are worth sacrificing our intuition which may say otherwise.

Energy Management Tools for Teens

I remember when I took my very first grounding class, I knew with every fiber of my being that I wanted to teach the tools I was learning to kids; these skills were life-changing for me as an adult so I could only imagine how they would have helped me navigate the tumultuous teen and early adult years with more grace and ease.

What Are Energy Management Tools?

We could all benefit from learning how to manage our energy, but especially teens! When we teach them about energy we give them sovereignty over their own well-being:

  • getting pressured for sex or to drink or use drugs? own your clear boundaries guilt-free

  • want to break up with your boyfriend, but he's nice and hasn't done anything wrong? release your fear around hurting someone's feelings

  • siblings irritating you? recognize them as spiritual beings

  • don't want to disappoint your parents? differentiate whose life you're actually living

  • scared about the future and all the changes in your life at once? learn how to cultivate your own well-being despite external circumstances

  • made a mistake? how to forgive instead of bullying yourself

Psychic Work with Teens

This is the time of year when I tend to work with teens the most. Through readings, intuitive coaching, and the Practicum, I am honored to be able to provide them with a broader spiritual perspective and to show them they are spirit.

I am excited to teach them tools and techniques they can use to not only manage their own well-being but to increase their intuition, too! I am humbled to hear back about how they used what they learn and their feeling of empowerment as a result.

What's most rewarding for me is knowing they will have access to these tools for the rest of their lives and that none of us could ever know the positive ripple effect created.

Parents & Teens Together

Whenever someone joins the Practicum, I encourage them to do the sessions together with their kids. Their teens might be shy at first. They might not say it made a difference. A few months later, they'll likely bring up a situation where they used the tools! It's an easy way to bond with our kids. Join the Practicum and get instant access to the previous sessions which you can do with your teens today!


When we view our children from the body perspective, we think of them as  “mine” or as a project we need to manage. When we recognize them as spirit, we validate them as unique beings on their own soul path. This is the greatest gift we can give our teens—greater than a good life or Harvard education. There's only one caveat—in order to recognize another as a spiritual being, we must first recognize ourselves as spirit.

If you’d like some easy tips on how to increase your own awareness, download my Free Guide!

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