Ascended Presence

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Summer Solstice -- An Energetic High

Greetings from The Summer Solstice Summit!

We all know that the Summer Solstice signals the beginning of summer and the longest day of the year, but did you know that it is also the energetic high point of the year? Through the winter and spring, we've been building and climbing to this halfway point - the summit of the year if you will.

While the physical June calendar is filled with events that make us want to go, go, go – the end of school, graduations, vacations (or staycations this year), summer activities to keep young ones busy or even last weekend’s Father’s Day plans - can we give ourselves time to pause and reflect on how we arrived at this point in time? Even more, can we slow down enough to enjoy the moment; to rest, refuel, rejuvenate?

Can We Take Time to Pause?

Wait! What?!?!

Rest? Refuel? Rejuvenate? These ideas go against what we are taught. We are programmed from an early age that we need to be productive. At. All. Times.

However, imagine if you had spent months preparing for and actually climbing Mount Everest. When you finally reached the summit, the HIGH POINT, you would stop and pause and reflect on the moment. You would enjoy the scenery, probably even celebrate!

You certainly wouldn't run to touch the prayer flags and race back down. At a minimum, you’d stop and take a picture for crying out loud, but you would stop; probably even rest, pause, and reflect.

It's the same with the halfway point of the year. We get to enjoy the extraordinarily long days and take time to rest and reflect.

As an example, yesterday, I honored the season with a sunrise hike and cacao ceremony. A small group of us gathered in the dark for a pre-hike energy clearing and grounding. We then set off in silence for the summit where we shared community, cacao, and ceremony. Afterward, we felt more present, grounded, and connected with nature, ourselves, and each other.

Competition is an Illusion

In Western society, we're encouraged to set goals and strive to achieve them in the most efficient way possible. We're told if we rest, we'll fall behind. Others will get ahead.

This premise, though, assumes we're in competition with others. This is the Patriarchy telling us there's one person at the top with everyone else below. This is the Matrix telling us the individual is more important than the collective.

Countering Competitive Programming with Energy Work

This is why I'm so passionate about energy work.  When we take the time to pause, reflect, refuel and regenerate, we can increase our awareness to the level where we can actually see the Matrix for what it is...and then decide if we want to participate or not. We can take back our power and create a positive impact loop in the process, dismantling the patriarchal programming that pits us against each other.

Downhill Momentum from the Summit

After we pause and reflect on the lessons learned at the high point of the season, the Summer Solstice, we begin the descent towards the end of the year. If we are thoughtful, we can use the downhill momentum as a tailwind to help us take those lessons and make the changes we want to create more easily.

And these changes are not just personal. The time we spend going within and growing helps everyone - even people we don't know; even people we don't like. Circular communities create healing and prosperity for all!

Do You Know What You Want to Create?

What would you like to create during the next six months? What personal growth would you like to embody? How do you see yourself at the end of the year?

If you'd like support going within and discovering your inner self, you are welcome to join our Ascended Presence community. For more personalized guidance, book a clairvoyant reading.

Believe it or not, taking the time to pause and reflect is not only productive, but it can also be exhilarating!

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