Ascended Presence

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Spirituality. A Turnoff?

Sometimes Spirituality can be a turnoff.


Personally, I’m not really into that slow, soft, soothing voice many teachers in the Spiritual community invoke. I’m a fast talker, a fast walker, and have way too much excitement for this work to even try to be all Zen.


Neither do I dress in flowy white clothing. I know it’s supposed to make you more conscious of your actions, but every time I try to wear white, I inevitably get a green smoothie or ketchup stain. I’d rather help the environment by buying and laundering less so will stick to my favorite, albeit fashionably lazy, black (beige if I’m getting fancy).


There’s nothing inherently wrong with being Zen or wearing white, it’s just that it’s not a prerequisite for being Spiritually aware.


Insider Language


It can also be confusing when people use insider language such as holding space, healing, containers, portals, consciousness, transcendence, chakras—you get the gist.


In case you are not fluent in Spiritual-ease, I thought I’d do a series on some of these terms and translate them into everyday language. This first one we’ll start with the ubiquitous healing.


I used to despise this term, but now I Love, Love, LOVE what healing represents!


What is Healing?


I remember when I started my Spiritual awakening, I kept hearing people say things like:


John received a “healing”. Or Jane needs to “heal” that part of herself.

I was confused because I didn’t understand what healing meant or how to use it meaningfully. In my mind’s eye, I kept seeing an Emergency Room where proper “healing” should take place—open wounds stitched and bandaged.


Healing can mean many things on the energetic plane. One of my favorites is when something that used to bother you no longer does.


What Does Healing Look Like?


When I was in my 20s, I developed a fear around hunger. I’d buy those old, brick Powerbars by the box at Costco. I stashed them everywhere—my backpack, purse, stuffed into jacket pockets, in my desk at work, in both the glove compartment and the middle console of my car, even in the trunk! For years, I made sure I had access to these bars at ALL times.


When I learned how to use my Grounding to let go of thoughts, beliefs, and energies that were no longer serving me, I healed my fear around hunger. It didn’t happen instantly, but over time, I released all the aspects of what hunger meant to me—being shaky, irritable, short tempered, unable to think.


I remember eating my last bar and passing over the boxes (on sale even!) at Costco. Truth be told, the first time I left the house without any emergency snack was a little nerve-wracking, but I’d done the work and needed to test the results.


Indeed, I’d healed my fear of hunger.


I still don’t enjoy being hungry, but I am not constantly in fear of it and haven’t bought or stashed those bars for years. It’s a huge relief to be free from that emotional and practical prison.


So while Spirituality may seem “out there” or something “nice to focus on someday”, there are real and tangible benefits that can positively impact your daily life today.


This was just a simple and practical example of what energetic healing can mean and look like in real life. Next week, I’ll share a more powerful and motivating reason on why we do this work:


Healing Generational Thinking, Beliefs, and Behaviors


What about you? Do you have triggers or “issues” you’d like to heal? Or do you have questions about other terms often used in the Spiritual community you’d like translated into plain English? Just let me know, and we’ll keep the conversation going!

Finally, just know that you are Spiritual just by being you!

If you want to know more about yourself or if you need some guidance on how to proceed with certain situations in your life then Ascended Presence is here for you.

Ascended Presence offers clairvoyant reading, intuitive life coaching, active meditation and grounding, and energy management course

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