Ascended Presence

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Mother-Child Soul Contracts

The Mother-Child Soul Contract

The Mother-Child agreement is the strongest contract we make at the soul level (with the exception of the twin contract).

It may be hard to believe, but before you came into your current body, you made a contract with the soul of the woman who would become your birth mother.

At the basic level, your mother agreed to give you your most precious gift—your body. You needed a body in order to enter Earth school to learn, grow, and hopefully evolve as a soul.

Even if you were immediately adopted and had no other contact with your birth mother, she fulfilled her contract by agreeing to grow your body within her own for many months in order to help you acclimate to being in a human body before being birthed into this physical dimension.

Your Mother’s Purpose in Life

This may be a revelation to some, but your mother's purpose in life is/was NOT just to mother you! She is her own sovereign being who originally made a contract with her own mother to give her a body in which to use for her soul’s growth and evolution—and so on, back until the beginning of your lineage.

Your mother has/had her own hopes and dreams, fears and doubts, mistakes and successes, love and loss, joy and heartache.

Regardless of your current relationship with your mother (even if it’s nonexistent or she has transitioned already), when you entered the Mother-Child contract, you chose to learn some important lessons through your relationship with her.

For example, you may have agreed at the soul level your mother would be over-involved in your life in order to help you learn to set boundaries.

You would fulfill your end of the agreement by establishing clear boundaries, guilt-free. By setting these boundaries, you remove her excuse to distract herself from her own life. This also helps her learn how to take responsibility for her own well-being instead of relying on you.

If, on the other hand, you do not fulfill your end of the agreement and just allow her to immerse herself into your life, you will probably have to come back again to learn this lesson a different way. Maybe next time you will be the mother, and she will be the child, or you could be siblings or spouses, but the boundary problem will reemerge.

Soul Contracts are a Choice

It’s important to remember that you have the choice to fulfill your contract or not. There’s no judgment around it being good or bad, it’s simply an opportunity you can explore. When you eventually transition out of your body again, you are not given brownie points for completing contracts or demerits if you don’t. It’s just a neutral opportunity for you to grow and evolve—take it or leave it.

It’s helpful to be in present-time with your mother (or primary caregiver) as it will help you recognize that you are an adult and can relate to her as her own being, on her own unique path.

Mother-Child Soul Contracts Continued…

If you yourself are a mother reading this, it’s good to remember that you, too, made a soul contract with your own children. For those of you trying to conceive, rest assured you are interviewing potential souls and negotiating contracts with beings desiring a body. These souls are often referred to as “spirit babies”, but they can be quite evolved so that’s a bit of a misnomer.

When I pull back my myopic lens of motherhood from the physical perspective to the spiritual one, I’m much more calm, gracious, and accepting of my children.

A Real-Life Example

One of my children has life-threatening allergies and could literally die under certain circumstances. I could spend enormous energy worrying and trying to “fix” this situation making myself a nervous wreck in the process.

But when I look at him through the spiritual or psychic lens, I see how these allergies are part of a larger picture for his soul's growth. I can support him, but it’s not my place to solve this extreme challenge for him. In fact, if I did, I would be robbing him of this growth opportunity.

PS Best Parenting Advice

When we view our children from the body perspective, we think of them as  “mine” or as a project we need to manage. When we look at them from a spiritual perspective, however, we acknowledge and validate them as beings on their own unique path.

If I could offer every new parent one thing, it would be this awareness! If I could offer all my friends going through elder care with their own parents, it would be this same awareness. We are all souls on our unique paths. We transcend these bodies we are temporarily renting.

If you’d like some easy tips on how to increase awareness, download my Free Guide!

Tune in next week where we’ll talk about our relationship with our larger mother – Mother Nature.

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