Ascended Presence

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It's Your Energy. Elevate It!

Last week, in a long line awaiting entry to Trader Joes, I longed for the pre-pandemic days when we could just walk right in, smile and wave to a favorite crew member, have a quick chat over a tiny cup of java, and shop at leisure.

Perhaps you have had your own ache to simply drive to your office where you could actually focus, or even just work out at the gym rather than stink up your living room—both harder to do with kids running around loose.

How many times have I popped into TJs without the slightest appreciation for the ease of entry and fully stocked shelves? How many times have I gone to the gym forgetting to feel grateful for the space to sweat that wasn’t in my home?

I’ll tell you. Every single time!

It makes me wonder, what else am I taking for granted?

The obvious answers are easy—health, family, a home, the internet.

I usually work from home and most of my clients are remote so I’m feeling extra appreciative for this setup. Also, I have teens rather than toddlers and while we do battle over the amount of their screen time, I don’t have to watch them 24/7 like parents of little ones, and they bake bunches of brownies.

Even as my exasperation grows over the indefinite shutdown and the mounting ramifications for so many, I am excited to realize that it is actually possible to be in a state of endless gratitude. I’ve read about this mindset and understood it intellectually for years, but now is the time to embody this esoteric theory.

When this is over, what will I look back on with appreciation that I’m not giddy with gratitude for now?

Noticing the most mundane blessings is a start…

  • I turn on a faucet and water flows instantly? Wow! Countless across the globe have no easy access to clean water.

  • I flick a switch and electricity flows to light the room and heat the oven? Crazy cool! No need to collect wood or fuel.

  • I have roof over my head? Amazing! Millions are “living” in refugee camps who would be delighted to have a home in which to sequester.

  • My kids are on their screens? Lucky me! That means I have kids, the internet, and the means to purchase those dreaded devices.

    While everyone is worried about having enough toilet paper, have any of us felt lucky to even have a flushing toilet? I would wager, no, even though more people than we care to imagine would consider a toilet a luxury.
    The more I pay attention, I realize these infinite blessings have been around the whole time! They surround me like a warm blanket. My body relaxes. I breathe more deeply--even feel abundant and supported inside my heart and soul—a wonderful state of being.
    This isn’t a mental game, it’s an energy shift.
    My mind will still battle me like a gladiator—hounding me incessantly about all that’s wrong and sad and even horrific in the world. Yet, I am able to choose to focus my attention on the gifts of my current reality, no matter how granular I need to get—water, electricity, toilet. You can, too! Even in desperate circumstances.
    This is not about denying emotions or being Pollyannaish. Our emotions are our internal guidance system and it’s critically important we feel and listen to them. This is about having sovereignty over our energy.
    At this moment, my fridge is empty save for some soymilk, condiments, and a block of tofu. My first thought is, “Ugh, I do not want to waste my morning waiting in line!” But I wrestle that thought, (the struggle sometimes does feel like a battle), and intentionally choose others.
    I have a fridge. It’s empty. I can clean it faster! Maybe I’ll open that can of pumpkin from last fall and clean out the pantry (that’s what I did--I didn’t stand in line or starve, and I have a clean fridge and pantry.) Blessings abound! Wow!
    This may seem trivial, but it’s not the significance of the problem that matters. I am practicing my ability to choose where to focus my attention. When I build that muscle on little things, it’s ready to use for bigger ones.
    That’s mastering your energy.
    When we realize just how blessed we truly are with these limitless gifts, we can’t help but smile in awe and appreciation.
    Smiling feels good. Even when done behind a mask.

    So does breathing.

    Are you ready to get rid of the stress, anxiety and overwhelm? Let Ascended Presence help. We offer clairvoyant readings, energy management course, active meditation and grounding course to help you create a new life for yourself.

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