Ascended Presence

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My Fear Manifested

Let’s Be Honest, I was Nervous!

Yesterday was the first Ascended Presence Practicum. Was it a success? Read on and you decide…

As part of my preparation, I did a long and deep meditation which included lots and lots of grounding—let’s be honest, I needed to release a whole lotta fear and nervous energy!

Aaaaannnnddd…my fear of a tech failure still manifested.

Despite testing over the weekend, the audio stopped working in the middle of the session—the LIVE session!

My normal self would have turned bright red in the face, my heart would have raced, I would have broken out in a sweat, and I would have completely lost my concentration.

After several dreadful minutes and some tech intervention by my husband, we were finally able to rectify the situation.  

How Can This Be Happening?

Initially, I was incredulous and became flustered, but because I had been so thoroughly grounded prior to starting the session, I was able to release the stress as it was arising within my body, regain my composure, and complete the presentation with a clear head.

When things come up, such as a publicly embarrassing or nerve-wracking situation, you can release the fear and strong emotions in real-time by using a grounding cord, your energetic drain. This enables us to retain, or at least regain, our composure instead of exacerbating the situation.

It doesn’t matter if you are:

  • Leading a PTA or Board Meeting

  • Getting your sensitive teeth cleaned or trying to sleep

  • Speaking in front of a class of 20 or a conference of 2000

  • Experiencing a personal conflict with yourself or a child, spouse, friend, neighbor, or colleague

  • Trying to solve a local community issue or global societal injustice

Grounding Gives You Strength

Your grounding gives you strength and support to remain calm and present. Because it is a sturdy base, you are less likely to be knocked off balance. Your grounding also acts as a drain to help you release those intense emotions and process the experience in the moment. By integrating grounding into your meditation practice and daily living, it becomes an effective tool whenever you desire or need.

And while it sort of seemed like it at the time, it wasn’t the end of the world. Then afterward, I just recorded a new session afterward that turned out better the second time around—a bonus for us all!

Perhaps the Universe conspired to create this experience as a real-time, real-life example of how powerful and effective it is to have an established grounding practice.

Even though I know that Energy Works, I am still amazed at times!

Bring positive changes in your life with our clairvoyant reading, intuitive life coaching, active meditation and grounding and energy management course.

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