Ascended Presence

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Father Energy

June—A Month of Transitions

June is packed with both physical and energetic transitions.

Energetically—we just experienced an intense solar eclipse and are heading into the Summer Solstice.

On the physical side—school ends, graduations are galore, summer starts. Midway through, we throw Father's Day into the mix.

Today, let's just focus on one practical part of the month.

Father’s Day is American Made

Did you know Father's Day is American-made? According to “History,” most dads don't even like to celebrate this "holiday" since often they are funding the escapades they'd like to escape in the first place.

The article confirms my suspicions. It says that after the Great Depression:

Struggling retailers and advertisers redoubled their efforts to make Father’s Day a “second Christmas” for men, promoting goods such as neckties, hats, socks, pipes and tobacco, golf clubs, and other sporting goods, and greeting cards.

Americans now dutifully and unquestioningly spend more than $1 billion dollars on things our dads don't even want. That the production of these things harms our collective home, aka our Earth, just makes our participation in this scheme even more absurd.

Do you ever wonder if the Matrix was just an iconic film or are we actually living in a Matrix? If so, how do we get out? I hate to break it to you, it’s not as easy as choosing the red or blue pill. See below for one way, but first…

The Father Archetype

Father Archetype—Light

We typically describe the Father archetype with words such as wise, disciplined, logical, fair, understanding, protective, and inspiring. This type of father makes a good leader—could be of a family, business, nation, or movement.

Father Archetype—Dark

As with all archetypes, the Farther one also has a shadow. The benevolent leader becomes a tyrannical one who controls through fear, authority, and aggression. When fathers operate from the perspective of the ego and prioritize the individual, they become selfish, disconnected, and dependent upon external validation.

No father is only good or only bad — neither are any of us. We're all human; sometimes we're sharing love and shining bright, and sometimes our shadow sides express themselves—usually, we're somewhere in between.

Your Father is an Eternal Soul

Fathers hold powerful space in our lives. It doesn't matter if you have (had) a wonderful, healthy, and positive relationship with yours or a horrible one—or even none at all.

The father-child contract is the second strongest soul-contract we make (after the mother-child contract) before we came into our current body.

Your father may currently be in a body or not. He may have been a big part of your life or not. None of this matters. What does matter is that we acknowledge that our father is an eternal soul.

And so are you.

Healing Father-Child Relationship

We did a lot of energetic healing with our Fathers in the June Practicum. The replay is just as impactful if you'd like to do this work—perhaps you could do it as a way to honor your father for Father's Day?

Here are some other ways you can extract yourself from consumer-driven programming and do something special to honor your father. You could:

  • write a letter pouring out all your heartfelt feelings; share or burn it

  • reach out to someone who has lost their father and let them know you are thinking of them

  • make a contribution to a worthy cause your father would (have) appreciate (ed)

  • thank someone who was not your biological father, but played an important role in your life

  • reflect on your own father energy (we all have both mother and father energy) and how you use it or not

No matter how you choose to spend Father's Day, it's worth some reflection on your relationship not only with your own father but all fathers.

What You’re Saying

Below is some feedback from the Mother Energetic Healing we did in the May Practicum.

  • Mother's Day was better this year. I felt much more relaxed at my family gathering.

  • I had much lower expectations and instead decided to make it all about my mom as she is visiting. I wish I had given her more airtime and more patience.

  • It was better! My mom passed decades ago and it was so special this year to be quiet and thank her for my body. The energy exchange was much deeper! I also looked at my own kids and remembered how much I loved being pregnant! And I am so grateful for that experience. I wonder what contracts we made together, and am I living up to my end.

  • I am not a mother, but it did get me to revisit my relationship with my late mother. Kind of scary, but worth it!

PS If you’d like to experience healing in your parental relationships, consider intuitive life coaching.

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