Ascended Presence

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Energetics of Moving

Beyond the Logistics of Moving

Growing up, I rarely left the 916 area code. My parents still live in my childhood home to this day.

With this stability, it surprises me that I've moved more than a dozen times since I first left home!

No matter how organized one is, moving is just chaotic. Period.

At least on the physical front.

The Energetics of Moving

While the logistics of moving can be complicated and exhausting, the emotional part can often be even more challenging!

  • Saying goodbye to friends and/or family

  • Losing the safety and comfort of the familiar for fear of the unknown

  • Leaving behind a beloved pet

  • Wanting to be two or more places at once

Believe it or not, knowing how to process the energetics of moving makes the emotional part so much easier.

Can You Relate?

Have you ever been in the middle of a big move and felt like you were living in two places simultaneously?

You have your life in your current home/city/country. For example, you still have to buy groceries, eat, do laundry, pack, work, etc. Yet, you're also mentally in the new location already setting up the logistics of life there, wondering how it will go and what it will be like.

Or maybe you live in one place, but wish you could be in another. Or perhaps a loved one lives far away and you are often there with them emotionally.

Maybe you are moving from your home “office” aka kitchen table, to your actual office. This, too, is a move and can cause some energetic upheaval.

Our Attention Can Be Splintered Across Time and Space

When we are in two or more places at once, our energy gets depleted because this state of being is exhausting to maintain. We can also put our attention in the past or jump out into the future which causes a similar dilution of energy.

If you have kids leaving for boarding school or college in the next month or two, recognize they may be experiencing this split in their energy, especially if it's their first time leaving home.

Their physical bodies may still be with you, but energetically, they could be living in both places already. If you find them extra tired or stressed or irritable, this is certainly one of the causes.

Our Bodies Live in the Present

One of the ways to make the energetics of moving easier is to be wholly present in the same place where your body is physically located.

For example, I currently have a friend in London who is moving to NYC. I encouraged her to have her full presence with her body in London while she's still there. It’s veeerrry tempting when moving to already be fantasizing about what life will be like in the new place.

It may feel productive to research restaurants, drive times, local doctors or community groups. But if you find yourself getting immersed and spending a lot of time engaging in your new place either in your thoughts or online: you have split your energy.

On the flip side, when my friend finally moves to NYC, she'll want to have her full consciousness with her body in NYC and not have fragments of herself left behind in London.

Kids Leaving for School

If you have kids leaving home soon for boarding school or college, encourage them to be fully present wherever their body is located.

To honor my friends who are moving or sending their kids off to school this fall, I'm dedicating the August Practicum session to teaching this powerful technique of reclaiming our energy; collecting up our life force.

Even if you don’t have kids leaving the nest or moving yourself, if you ever find your attention scattered in different places or times, we’ll be applying this technique to lots of different scenarios. Please join us! We'd love to welcome you into our thriving community. 

You are welcome to join us in the Practicum, where you can work on yourself in a group setting. If you'd like more personalized guidance, book a clairvoyant reading.

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