2021 Mantras
Last fall, I had a significant “aha” moment which led directly to my 2021 mantras—Collaboration & Regeneration.
I’m still formulating a way to articulate how I am integrating regeneration into my life, so I’ll save that for another time and focus instead on Collaboration.
Carol Cox first planted this seed of collaboration and elevating minority voices in my mind last spring. This coupled with my own “aha” moment—realizing I’ve become an elder eager to give back—gave me my “right goal.”
My goal is to consciously promote other people’s meaningful work, especially that of women. Sharing resources is my natural inclination (my old blog was even called Soulful Sharing!) so this is not a big leap for me. The difference is that now I am actively committed, not just when it’s convenient or mutually beneficial.
Collaboration = Abundance
In order to be collaborative, we must overcome the scarcity mindset: Believing resources are limited creates competition; we think we need to protect what we have and compete with others to get a bigger piece of an imaginary and fixed pie.
Have you ever experienced someone sharing your work as their own? I’m sure this feels as contracting to them as it does to you—a no-win situation.
Have you ever worked with someone and truly valued the experience, but kept it to yourself like a secret weapon rather than share it with others who could also benefit?
Have you ever outwardly expressed happiness for someone else’s success, but inwardly felt bitter, less than, or judgemental?
Hoarding resources feels energetically heavy on us. This is our real life with real people, not the Hunger Games or Keeping Up with the Kardashians.
An Abundance Mindset is Liberating
When we have an abundance mindset, we realize there are more than enough opportunities for everyone—even those in our same field! And truth be told, we actually feel exhilarated and free and we shine light on other people and their worthy work.
Imagine the positive impact cycle we can create when we spread the word about purpose-driven endeavors, even when they are similar to ours. What if we work together and collaborate to make something greater than either one of us can create on our own?
Collaboration Beyond Business
Collaboration can go beyond the workplace. Moms might willingly share a helpful book or gadget, but be reluctant to share their special babysitter or summer camp.
I am learning more about how the patriarchy sets women and minority communities up to compete for limited resources—i.e., if there is only one woman on in the boardroom, all the women candidates need to fight for that one spot.
I don’t know enough about this subject to pontificate with any authority, but it seems obvious the best way to abolish this oppressive system is to do the opposite—share what we have freely and widely. If a woman makes it into the boardroom, she can use her position to bring in others. If we find a good resource, sharing it is good for everyone, even us!
Let’s lend a hand back to those coming up behind us.
Let’s share a shoulder to support our fellow small, sustainable, local, and/or minority-owned businesses and missions.
Let’s expand our consciousness beyond our self-focused worlds and act for the betterment of the collective.
Instead of competing, let’s collaborate!
Unexpected Twists
I’ve had this post drafted since January, but wasn’t quite finished enough to press publish. As the Universe works, when we put good into the world, even if it’s still in the intention phase, it’s usually magnified right back at us.
Recently, Animal Communicator, Sarah Lea made this generous story on her influential platform (good to check out if you’re curious about readings).
Jenny Schatzle—Author, Speaker, and Empowerment Advocate—gave me a kind shout-out to her loyal followers (about a service I hadn’t even thought to include on this website until someone saw it on her post and inquired—coming soon!)
Even, last week Oonasyoga surprised me with her gracious post (about my retreat work and the Practicum).
These women embody an abundance mindset, sharing out of sheer generosity and joy. When we pay things forward like this, we have no idea how far and wide the positive impact will reach. I’m humbled and honored to have been on the receiving end of their generosity and look forward to more of the same forward for others!
More to Come
Our real-life is so short. Let’s enjoy it even more by sharing others with others!!
I can’t wait to share with you the work of some women I know you’re going to LOVE!