Ascended Presence

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Ask Me. Anything!

A screen shot from my last online Grounding & Energy Management Course

How do you get your psychic information – voices or images or some other way?
Great question! The boring answer is:  it depends.
When I’m in a formal reading, I intentionally use my 6th chakra, aka Third Eye, to see colors, symbols, and pictures. At the same time, I use my 7th chakra, aka the Crown, to interpret those images into meaningful language the person I’m reading will understand.
For example, one time during a reading, I kept seeing all these images from the movie Gladiator. Afterward, my client told me Gladiator was his all-time favorite movie, and the messages I had received about the images had made perfect sense to him.
This also illustrates that when I am doing a reading or coaching session for someone, I’m “seeing” the images they are showing me. I’m bringing to their consciousness what they already know deep inside to be true, but may be unable or unwilling to see for themselves.
A reading is a soul-to-soul connection. Often people will schedule a reading to work through a situation they think is a problem, but during the reading, they will show me something much deeper at the soul level. By cutting through the surface-level distractions, I am able to get to the core issue much more quickly. 
When I’m not in a formal reading or coaching session and just out and about living life, my psychic information comes to me in a variety of ways. Right now, I’m experiencing déjà vu regularly. I also experienced this déjà vu clustering during the first year after we moved to Santa Barbara. It felt like the Universe was simply saying, you trusted the message, took the leap of faith, and you are supported.
I also receive sudden “downloads.” These could be small little messages, for example, go in the long grocery line. My brain will say, “No! I’m in a hurry!” Then it’s up to me to listen or not.
The messages can also be life changing like the time my younger brother and I were Euro railing. We were in Germany when I suddenly saw and heard, go to Sweden! (Too long of a story here, but had I not listened, there is no way this would have happened.)
The trick is to listen to the little messages so you learn to trust them. Then you will be more confident trusting the big ones. The crazy thing is that the messages feel/sound/sense the same. It’s not like little messages are whispers and big ones blare.
One of my clearest signs to pay attention, something important is happening, is when I get head-to-toe chills like I mentioned here.
I also receive information when I meditate. For example, when I asked, where should we raise our family? and Santa Barbara came through loud and clear.
Finally, and one of my favorite ways to work on a psychic level is through dreams. For example, whenever I have the “haircut” dream, I know a big change is coming. The dream itself varies, but if I get a haircut at some point in the dream, I wake up super excited because that means a shift is coming! Maybe I’ll do a full dream post. Let me know if that is something you’d like to hear about.
Do you have other questions? Just ask away and I’ll do my best to answer them in a helpful way!

See this gallery in the original post